Bureau of Animal Industry

The Bureau of Animal Industry was an organization that was established in the United States Department of Agriculture by an act (23 Stat. 31) on May 29, 1884. The bureau combined the research functions of the Veterinary Division and the Department of Agriculture (1881-1884) with the enforcement responsibilities of the Treasury Cattle Commission (1883-1884).

Its functions were to conduct scientific investigations, administer statutes and regulations to protect the public from infection or disease contaminated meat products, eradicate animal diseases and improve livestock quality. One of the first directors was Emil Alexander de Schweinitz, a bacteriologist who was director from 1890 to 1904.[1]

The Bureau of Animal Industry was abolished by Secretary's Memorandum 1320, suppl. 4, on November 2, 1953. This established the Agricultural Research Service.


  1. ^ Dorset, M. (1905). "Emil Alexander de Schweinitz, Born 1864, Died 1904". Public health papers and reports (American Public Health Association) 30: 290–291. PMC 2222339. PMID 19601182. http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=2222339.